Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Book Trailer Tuesday

Welcome back! I have returned from holiday hiatus. Book Trailer Tuesday is always a good place to start.

First, while choosing the book trailers this evening, I went through a couple in which the acting was...less than stellar. They won't show up here. I think if a publisher goes to the trouble and expense of producing a book trailer that contains actors, they should probably try and find some that can act at a somewhat believable level. Terrible acting is distracting. Hey! That rhymes!

Clockwork Angel, by Cassandra Clare.

Gabriel's Redemption, by Steve Umstead.

I feel like there isn't enough science fiction on Journey Reader. I need to fix that, yes?

I currently have NO interviews, spotlights or guest posts on the schedule, so if you are an author of fiction and would like to be featured, shoot me an email. The virtual door is wide open. JourneyReader at Live.com.

Until I can schedule some appearances, we'll just have to see what I can come up with. Adventure!


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